- December 31, 2022Congratulations, LAMDIK received the WTP (Unqualified) predicate from the public accounting firm (KAP).
- December 14, 2022“The purpose of accreditation is not ranking, but a Quality Culture,” is a phrase frequently conveyed by Prof. Dr. Muchlas…
- December 6, 2022LAMDIK's policy towards the end of 2022 for Higher Education Institutions or Foundations/Associations of Higher Education Organizers/Faculties/Postgraduate Programs/Educational Study Programs…
- December 5, 2022The Independent Accreditation Institute for Education (LAMDIK) has begun carrying out the accreditation obligations for educational study programs (prodi) at…
- October 10, 2022Kegiatan rutin Klinik Akreditasi LAMDIK hadir kembali. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk sosialisasi dan pembimbingan kepada program studi dalam menyusun LED…
- September 28, 2022Field Assessment (AL) is one of the stages in the accreditation process aimed at verifying, validating, and clarifying the data…
- September 25, 2022Hadir kembali kegiatan rutin Klinik Akreditasi LAMDIK. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk sosialisasi dan pembimbingan kepada program studi dalam menyusun LED…
- September 18, 2022Berdasarkan surat penyampaian Nomor 196/BAN-PT/MA/Pen/PerBAN/2022 tentang penyampaian Peraturan BAN-PT Nomor 29 Tahun 2022 tentang Perubahan ke Dua Cakupan Program Studi…
- August 26, 2022This activity aims to provide socialization and guidance to study programs in preparing their Self-Evaluation Reports (LED) and correctly filling…
- August 16, 2022Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek) mendukung proses transformasi akreditasi program studi dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi (BAN-PT)…