Know Us Better

At ACE, we are committed to setting the benchmarks for educational programs in higher education. Our rigorous accreditation process ensures accountability and inspires trust, helping institutions meet standards driven by precise excellence. Through immaculate collaborations, we are authorized to accredit institutions based on merit and quality.


ACE aims to be an accrediting agency that gains trust and recognition at both national and international levels


  1. To carry out internal quality assurance
  2. To carry out accreditation processes in a professional, transparent, and accountable manner
  3. To build partnerships with similar accreditation bodies at both national and international levels
  4. To build partnerships with similar accreditation bodies at both national and international levels
  5. To be fully committed to maintain quality assurance standards of educational study programs

Quality Policy

Referring to the respective laws and regulations, Accreditation Council for Education (ACE) has committed to fulfil every customer’s/ stakeholder’s need by implementing continuous improvement of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015. To achieve the objectives, the management will:

  1. Increase customer/stakeholder satisfaction through quality improvement of accreditation process and administration services
  2. Determine strategic policies that are relevant with organizational needs
  3. Provide qualified human resources contributing to the accreditation process
  4. Improve accreditation process quality through refining internal process and optimizing the roles of assessor, validator, and facilitator
  5. Upgrade the quality of organizational management through improving good governance as well as structured and planned evaluation
  6. Provide structured data and information management based on the principles of data security
  7. Increase partnerships with external institutions to improve organizational quality and promotion
How ACE Pioneered Progress

ACE: A Look Back


In Surabaya, 12 Educational Institutions for Teacher Training (LPTK) and 56 professional associations discussed the establishment of the Accreditation Council for Education (ACE). In mid-2018, support blew from various stakeholders, including the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) through the Directorate General of Learning, in collaboration with the Indonesian Association of Education Scholars (ISPI) and LPTKs as the initiators. A proposal for the establishment of ACE was promptly prepared swiftly and further presented to the Directorate General of Higher Education at the end of 2018.

The Breakthrough of a Shared Vision

The process and discussions continued until March 8, 2019, the initiators were invited to the BAN-PT Assembly. The assembly meeting decided to approve the establishment of ACE on the condition that they should add an internal quality assurance division and strengthen human resources. Five months later, on August 2, 2019, ACE was officially established.

ACE Today

Ever since, ACE has managed to grow with impressive track records. Around 2,500 study programs from approximately 800 universities across Indonesia have been accredited by ACE. In international level, ACE has partnered with institutions across Asia, fostering strategic collaborations centered on educational advancement. Quality assurance at ACE has consistently been improved, providing 940 assessors to actively maintain the standards of education and institutional management.

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