ACE collaborates to elevate the standards of education study programs in higher education institutions. Its accreditation process upholds principles of accountability and credibility, ensuring that every program meets well-defined and measurable benchmarks. Backed by its founding associations, ACE is entrusted with the authority to accredit study programs based on meritocratic values.
Leap of Recognition
We are globally recognized.
In Partnership with BAN-PT for a Better Education and Respected Institution
In line with the mandate of the Indonesian National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) Regulation No. 9 of 2020, ACE, as the only accrediting agency for education, is responsible for ensuring that educational study programs meet national standards for education as well as establish a reputable standing.
Institutional Collaboration
Collaboration for Joint Accreditation Workshops with Asta Bakti Mulia
A training provider offering guidance to make the most of educational study programs in higher education.