17 Jul, 2024

Jakarta, July 17, 2024
Following up on the enactment of Permendikbud No.53 of 2023 concerning Quality Assurance of Higher Education, LAMDIK is moving quickly. One of them is preparing the LAMDIK instrument version 2.0 since the Permendikbud was stipulated in August 2023, and is currently entering the alignment and finalization stages.

Held at the Ciputra Hotel Jakarta, from July 17, 2024 to July 19, 2024, the LAMDIK 2.0 instrument drafting and development team is finalizing and finalizing the LAMDIK 2.0 instrument so that it remains in accordance with applicable provisions and is able to capture educational study programs with an Excellent ranking, LAMDIK presents BAN PT, Prof. Prof. Bambang Suryoatmono Ph.D.

The LAMDIK version 2.0 instrument was prepared and developed by the Instrument Development Team and has entered the finalization stage. Therefore, as conveyed by the General Chairperson of LAMDIK, Prof. Muchlas Samani, the instrument that has entered the finalization stage needs to obtain input from various parties, educational study program associations, users, and including from BAN PT. This is in line with LAMDIK’s vision as a leading and trusted quality assurance institution that is in the process of becoming one of the LAIs (International Accreditation Institutions) always prioritizing the importance of quality culture, relevance, accountability, and mission dereferencing.

In the preparation and development of the 2.0 instrument, LAMDIK has conducted a thorough study and input from various stakeholders, related professional organizations, users, and other educational communities. The LAMDIK 2.0 instrument to obtain an Excellent accreditation rating or status is formulated to be able to capture the excellence of the study program.

The LAMDIK 2.0 instrument is designed by considering high output and outcome weights. New to the process and input aspects. The LAMDIK 2.0 instrument for the Superior ranking is compiled based on the SN Dikti framework and the characteristics of the standards of each Higher Education Institution. Therefore, the LAMDIK 2.0 instrument for the Superior ranking is expected to be able to truly demonstrate the excellence of the study program. The LAMDIK instrument drafting and development team is in parallel preparing the LAMDIK version 2.0 instrument for the Undergraduate, Professional, Masters, and Doctoral Programs, both for the accreditation ranking of the Superior education study program and the international ranking through ACE.