FGD Strengthening LAMDIK Assessors and Implementation of LAMDIK Accreditation in Accordance with Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023 in Semarang

12 Dec, 2024

The Independent Accreditation Agency for Education (LAMDIK) has organized a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Strengthening LAMDIK Assessors and the Implementation of LAMDIK Accreditation in accordance with Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023. This two-day event commenced on Friday, December 6, 2024, in Semarang and was attended by assessors from various higher education institutions. The FGD aimed to enhance the professionalism of assessors in conducting accreditation based on the new standards outlined in Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023. This new policy emphasizes that higher education quality assurance is a continuous cycle involving stages of determination, implementation, evaluation, control, and improvement of higher education standards.

In his presentation, Prof. Harun Joko Prayitno provided an in-depth explanation of the higher education quality assurance policies and the accreditation mechanisms implemented by LAMDIK. He explained that the Criteria for Higher Education Quality Assessment include quality culture, relevance – tridharma, accountability, and mission differentiation, all of which are interconnected.

Additionally, the FGD included interactive discussions and accreditation assessment simulations. All participants were involved to align understanding and enhance skills in using accreditation instruments in accordance with the latest policies. With this approach, it is hoped that all assessors can perform their duties transparently, objectively, and accountably.

This FGD serves as a strategic step in supporting the improvement of higher education quality in Indonesia. LAMDIK is committed to continuously providing guidance to assessors so that the accreditation process can proceed in accordance with professionalism principles and national standards.