Guidelines for Conducting Field Assessment (AL) in LAMDIK During the COVID-19 Pandemic

28 Sep, 2022

Field Assessment (AL) is one of the stages in the accreditation process aimed at verifying, validating, and clarifying the data and information stated in the Self-Evaluation Report (LED), as well as conducting on-site assessments at the Study Program.

Given that the COVID-19 pandemic has not yet ended, Field Assessments for the Accreditation of Higher Education Study Programs (APSK) to the Study Program Management Units (UPPS) and Study Programs (PS) cannot be conducted entirely through on-site visits. Therefore, the implementation of APSK Field Assessment is carried out through a combination of on-site (luring) and online (daring) methods. Both On-Site Field Assessment (ALL) and Online Field Assessment (ALD) will still follow the Field Assessment Guidelines in accordance with the instruments used. During ALL, data confirmation, interviews, teaching practice activities, and observation of facilities will be conducted via video conferencing.

The Field Assessment Guidelines (AL) in LAMDIK can be downloaded from the link: Pedoman AL di Era Pandemi Covid-19. Pedoman berisi antara lain:

  1. Implementation of On-Site Field Assessment (ALL)
  2. Implementation of Online Field Assessment (ALD)
  3. Parties involved in the AL activities, including LAMDIK, UPPS/PS, and Assessors
  4. Supporting documents that must be prepared by the PS during AL
  5. Agenda for On-Site Field Assessment activities
  6. Agenda for Online Field Assessment activities

These guidelines can be used by Assessors, UPPS/PS in conducting LAMDIK Field Assessments during the COVID-19 pandemic era.