LAMDIK Assessor Recruitment Batch 4
LAMDIK reopens recruitment for Batch IV assessors for active BAN-PT assessors and permanent lecturers from educational programs who meet the qualifications and have not yet become LAMDIK assessors. The requirements, selection process, stages, and schedule can be found in the following document.
Registration through the website will be open from January 16, 2013, and will close on January 23, 2023. For registration purposes, you may prepare the required documents in advance, including:
- Doctoral degree certificate
- Functional Position Decree
- Structural Position Decree
- Latest Accreditation Certificate for the Study Program
- Health Certificate from a doctor/hospital
- Passport-sized photo (3×4, in image format, not PDF)
- Brief Motivation Description
- Application letter addressed to the Chairman of LAMDIK
- BAN-PT Assessor Decree (for candidates who are BAN-PT assessors)
- Latest CV
- Permission letter from the head of the department/faculty, acknowledged by the Dean/Rectors