LAMDIK Assessor Training Batch III Stage 2
Dear Assessor,
This is to inform you that in order to strengthen the institutional capacity of LAMDIK and align the understanding regarding the LAMDIK Accreditation Instrument, a training session for newly recruited assessors from Batch III will be held. We kindly request your presence at this training, which will be conducted as follows:
• Day and Date: Wednesday (August 10, 2022) and Thursday (August 11, 2022)
• Time: 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM WIB (details attached)
• Agenda: LAMDIK Assessor Training Batch III Stage II
• Location: Zoom meeting (the link will be sent to each assessor’s email)
We kindly ask for your cooperation and attention. Thank you for your participation.
Note: This invitation and the Zoom link will also be sent to each assessor’s email.
Unduh file undangan pelatihan asesor batch III tahap 2: (c) 251_UNDANGAN PESERTA PELATIHAN ASESOR LAMDIK BATCH 3 TAHAP II