SER ACE Document Workshop as a Full Member of INQAAHE

03 Feb, 2025

Jakarta, February 2, 2025
In preparation for the visitation by the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) regarding the Self-Evaluation Report (SER) submitted by the Accreditation Council for Education (ACE), the ACE management team, under the coordination of the General Chairperson, Prof. Muchlas Samani, has commenced the process of finalizing the document in accordance with the SER guidelines. Held at Hotel Santika Slipi, Jakarta, this workshop featured Prof. Tjan Basaruddin, an internationally renowned expert in quality assurance, who provided feedback and refinement to the SER document prepared by ACE.

One of ACE’s key strengths lies in its accreditation process, which has been consistently implemented, particularly in terms of recognition for accredited study programs. The reputation of ACE’s accreditation rankings serves as a significant factor for students in selecting education-related study programs. Prof. Tjan provided insights to ensure that the SER ACE document meets the required standards for acceptance as a full member of INQAAHE. Furthermore, the diversity of assessors from various higher education institutions is considered an added value for ACE in its quality assurance system.

In this process, Conchita serves as the manager for the submission of the SER ACE document to INQAAHE. The evaluation panel will be given one month to review the completeness and consistency of the SER ACE document. If any inconsistencies or deficiencies are identified, they will be returned to ACE for revision within a specified timeframe. Subsequently, Conchita will coordinate the site visit to determine the visitation schedule. A proposed site visit agenda will be sent, although ACE will have the opportunity to provide suggestions or propose adjustments based on its specific conditions.

A crucial aspect that must be highlighted in the SER during the INQAAHE visitation is the demonstration of good governance in ACE’s management and institutional development. It is expected that, upon receiving recognition from INQAAHE, ACE will emerge as a key force in quality assurance institutions specializing in education, particularly within the Asian region.