Supervisors and Advisors: Appreciation of LAMDIK Performance and Development Semester 1 2024

30 Dec, 2024

Jakarta, September 16, 2024
Prof. Ganefri selaku Ketua Pembina LAMDIK dan Tim mengapresiasi atas capaian kinerja dan perkembangan LAMDIK sejak beroperasi tahun 2021 sangat cepat, dan telah mencapai progress yang sangat luar biasa. Hal demikian sejalan dengan visi LAMDIK sebagai lembaga yang Terdepan dan Terpercaya. Jajaran Pembina dan Pengawas LAMDIK juga mengapresiasi atas kinerja LAMDIK yang sudah mulai melakukan assesmen terhadap beberapa prodi-prodi kependidikan di Timor Leste dan Uzbekistan, termasuk dalam proses beberapa prodi kependidikan di Fatoni University di Patani Thailand dan dalam tahap sosialisasi komunikasi ke prodi-prodi kependidikan di LPTK Mindano Philipina.

The joint meeting held at the Arya Duta Hotel in Jakarta was attended by the entire LAMDIK Board of Trustees, Supervisors, and Management. The meeting featured remarks and guidance from the Trustees, including Prof. Drs. H. Ganefri, M.Pd., Ph.D., as Chair, and members such as Prof. Dr. Sofyan Anif, M.Si, Prof. Dr. Hj. Sri Sumarni, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. H. M. Solehuddin, M.Pd., M.A., and Prof. Dr. M. Rusdi, S.Pd., M.Sc. The Supervisors present included Prof. Dr. Komarudin, M.Si as Chair, and members such as Prof. Asmar Yulastri, M.Pd., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. H. Ahman, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A. The LAMDIK Management was represented by Prof. Muchlas Samani as Chair, along with directors Prof. Aceng Hasani, Prof. Sofia Hartati, Dr. Muhdi, and Prof. Harun Joko Prayitno.

Through the Chair of the Board of Trustees and the Chair of the Board of Supervisors, there was mutual agreement on the development and acceleration programs designed by LAMDIK. Prof. Muchlas Samani, as Chair of LAMDIK, stated that the organization will prioritize obtaining official recognition as an International Accreditation Agency in the field of Education by early 2025.

All members of the Board of Trustees and Supervisors agreed and hoped that LAMDIK would soon be recognized by the Ministry as an International Accreditation Agency, enabling LAMDIK to enhance the quality of educational programs at the global level.